Tournament success continues

Today we are happy with Emilia Akin and “Sir Lancelot”. The pair reached in sweaty temperatures in the dressage class L the 5th place and in the dressage class M the 3rd place. The competitions were held last weekend at the riding and jumping tournament in Kamenz.
We wish the rider continued success and enjoyment in competition riding.

Tournament season started successfully

Once again we can be happy together with Lia Teichmann, who ranked together with her horse “Future Star” in the past days. The experienced team competed in Hesel and was rewarded with two placings. Lia reached the 3rd place in the M* dressage with a score of 8.0 and the 2nd place in the M** dressage with a score of 7.9.
We are happy with the rider and wish her continued success!

(Deutsch) Pedros Schülerinnen wieder erfolgreich unterwegs

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