Our training and tournament horses are able to go outside almost all the time. Despite rain, fog or wind – spare time in the opens is good for everyone. To offer the horses enough movement and variety, they get to relax on the paddock even in the winter months. Of course the horses are dressed according to the weather. Because: there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!
We don’t know bad weather
Tags: Abwechslung Ausbildungspferde Bewegung Dressurpferde Frische Luft Nebel Pedro Pedro Pavao Pedro Pavao Dressage Pferd Pferd Pedro Pferde Pferdewellness Schlechtes Wetter Wellness Wellness für das Pferd
Shearing sports horses
As we all know heavy sweating can disturb the horses body mineral balance. Therefore sports horses that sweat a lot during the winter season have to be sheared.
All of our training and tournament horses who work on a daily basis are sheared. Since short furs supports the heat dissipation during training sessions and speeds up the recovery. Because of that the horses don’t sweat that fast and can stay motivated in training.
After the shearing the horses are washed thoroughly with warm water and covered afterwards.
Our young horses and retirees won’t be sheared and are keeping their winter fur.