More students successful

Yesterday we already reported about two successful students of Pedro. Today we can rejoice with an additional one: Rubina Claasen. She reached with “Sam” the 4th place in the dressage test class M with 68.485 %. The pair achieved this result at the tournament in Filsum.
We congratulate the rider and hope to be able to report on her next successes soon.

Training horses ranked

With a little bit of delay we’d like to tell you about Pedros younger training horses. The first tournaments were exciting but by now there’s a routine.
Training horse “Frandrokus” was able to secure the 6th place at the PLS Schwanewede in the dressage horse tournament class L. The son of “Franziskus” and Pedro claimed the 3rd place in the dressage horse tournament class A and also the 3rd place in the dressage horse tournament class L.
Training horse “Fernandez” was able to get the 3rd place in the riding horse tournament on the same tournament with Pedro. And also training horse “Sultan” got a ranking. The son of “Sarotti Mocca-Sahne” got the 2nd place together with Pedro in the riding horse tournament. We are especially proud of the performance from our young training horses and we’d like to continue to teach them the routine of tournaments in a stress-free manner.
After the tournament the horses were able to enjoy their daily wellness routine and rolled themselves in the sun with pleasure.