Dressage course at Pedro

Today ends the course on Pedros riding school. We’re looking back at an informative and nice weekend. There were only highly motivated equestrians despite the bitter cold weather. To warm up again one met in front of the stove for a cozy round of coffee and cake.
We’d like to thank all the participants, spectators and Pedro again for the great time.
Also we’d like to thank the many helpers for their commitment and help.
We look forward for another dressage course.



Pedro in the magazine Pferdesport Bremen

Pferdesport Bremen writes about Pedro Pavao

The article is about Pedro Pavao training horses together with Kira Lustig from Remonte up to Grand Prix in their stable. The training of our horses is always with the scale of the apprenticeship. Pedro puts particular importance in the “Lösungsphase”. This his because of his motto that only a unclasped and relaxed horse can swing over the spinal.

Pferdesport Bremen